Review/look over the following questions. Take some time this weekend to organize your thoughts and ideas. Look back into your Joan Bauer book to find some textual evidence (page #'s, quotes etc) to support your ideas!
1. Discuss the conflict in your book: What conflicts are presented? Do the conflicts change over time? How and why? Do the characters influence the conflict in any way? Who helps and who hinders? Are the conflicts resolved over the course of the book? What events take place to help this resolution? If the conflicts are unresolved, why did Joan Bauer allow this to happen?
2. Discuss character development: How do the characters begin the story, mentally and physically? In what ways do the characters change over the course of the story? What events take place that cause this change? Are the changes positive or negative? Are there any characters that fail to change? What stance does Joan Bauer take towards these non-changing characters?
3. Discuss symbolism in the book: Define symbolism. Why is symbolism used in literature, generally speaking? What is being compared or symbolized by Joan Bauer in the book? Why did Bauer choose these techniques to present her ideas and theories?
4. Discuss survival and persistence in the book: What are survival and persistence? Explore the difference between mental and physical survival? What characters survive mentally? Physically? Are they stronger for what has happened to them? Weaker? Which attributes helped them survive? Which hindered their survival? Does persistence always pay off, in Bauer’s view?
5. Discuss author’s craft: What is author’s craft? Describe some of the techniques that an author might use to make their writing come to life? Explain/describe some of the different figurative language techniques that an author might use. Cite an example of author’s craft from your Joan Bauer book.
6. Discuss mood and tone: What is mood/tone? Define the two terms and how they relate to one another. What is the overall mood of your Joan Bauer book? What is the overall tone of your Joan Bauer book?
Important note: All statements should be backed up by evidence. When possible, give exact quotes and page numbers. Use the information from your Joan Bauer folder (notes and handouts) for further evidence and ideas.