Notes on Symbolism

  • Symbols used in literature are objects used to represent other things or ideas.
    Symbolism is used to provide meaning to the writing beyond what is actually being described.
    Used to enhance the story
    •  A writer often uses a concrete object to express an abstract idea, quality or belief.
    • Concrete Objects: 
      Referring to an actual substance or thing, as opposed to an abstract quality:The words “cat,”“water,” and “teacher” are concrete, whereas the words “truth,”“excellence,” and “adulthood” are abstract.

      • What can be used as a symbol?

      •  sign
        written word or phrase

    • Literature Example: Harry Potter

      •  One clear example is a commonly used one; the use of a snake to represent evil. It is no coincidence that the symbol of Slytherin House is a serpent.
      • How to identify symbols 
    • The frequency an object or character is mentioned in a piece of literature--if it is mentioned often, it is probably important. Another way to find a symbol is to look at how much detail is used in describing an object. These two methods give clues that the writer wants you to infer something about a particular object.

    • If an image or object described by the author makes you react in a certain way, you are probably on to something, never discredit your own feelings.
       It is very likely that the author planted the image in the work in a particular way to alert the reader that a symbol is important.
    • Examples of Symbolism:  American cultural symbols: Red, white and blue colors; Bald Eagle
    • Diamonds have come to symbolize forever

    • Red has come to represent love

    • Green has come to represent anything which is environmentally friendly.
    Think about symbolism in terms of your Joan Bauer book. How does Joan Bauer use symbolism? What kinds of objects/things is she using as symbols in her story?